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Google Dorking and Shodan Exploration for Beginners: Unveiling Exposed Webcams


Google Dorking, using specialized search operators, can uncover hidden gems online. Responsible and ethical usage is very important as well. This article introduces a small beginner-friendly project that marries Google Dorking with Shodan, a search engine for connected devices. Our goal: finding publicly exposed webcams while upholding ethical conduct.

Understanding Search Operators

Let's understand the tools we're using and how they work together.

Google Dorking Operators:

  1. "inurl:/view.shtml": Targets URLs with "/view.shtml," common in webcam URLs.

  2. "liveapplet": Homes in on pages with "liveapplet," often found in webcam-related URLs.

  3. "intitle:"Network Camera": Refines results to pages with "Network Camera" in the title.

Shodan is a specialized search engine indexing data from internet-connected devices, like webcams and servers. It complements Google Dorking by offering insight into connected devices.

Finding Exposed Webcams

Let's jump in and uncover publicly exposed webcams using Google Dorking and Shodan, all while upholding ethical standards.

Step 1: Google Dorking

  1. Open Google: Go to in your web browser.

  2. Use Search Operators:

    • "inurl:/view.shtml": This operator targets webcams with URLs containing "/view.shtml."

    • "liveapplet": Searches for pages with "liveapplet," often indicating webcam streams.

    • "intitle:"Network Camera": Focuses on pages with "Network Camera" in their title.

Step 2: Shodan Exploration

  1. Access Shodan: Visit in a new browser tab.

  2. Try These 10 Shodan Queries: Shodan queries are powerful. Each query reveals specific information. Here are 10 queries to get you started:

    1. webcam: General search for webcams.

    2. port:80 webcam: Webcams accessible on port 80.

    3. port:554 has_screenshot:true: Webcams with screenshots available.

    4. port:80 title:"Network Camera": Webcams with "Network Camera" in the title on port 80.

    5. http.title:"Network Camera": Webcams with "Network Camera" in the HTTP title.

    6. product:"IP Camera": IP cameras.

    7. city:"YourCity" webcam: Webcams in a specific city (replace "YourCity").

    8. hostname:"*": Webcams on a specific domain (replace "").

    9. os:"Linux 2.6.22": Webcams with specific Linux version.

    10. port:80 country:"YourCountry" webcam: Webcams in a specific country (replace "YourCountry").

Advanced Techniques and Ethical Usage

Now that we've grasped the basics of Google Dorking and Shodan, let's dive into more advanced techniques and tips. These insights will help you refine your searches and maximize your understanding of the online landscape. Remember, ethical considerations remain at the forefront of our exploration.

Advanced Google Dorking Techniques:

  1. Combining Operators: To target specific webcams, combine operators. For example, "inurl:/view.shtml intitle:"Network Camera" narrows down your search to webcams with "/view.shtml" in the URL and "Network Camera" in the title.

  2. Excluding Results: Use the minus sign (-) to exclude specific terms. For instance, "inurl:/view.shtml -intitle:"Private Camera" excludes pages with "Private Camera" in the title.

  3. Wildcard Operator: The asterisk (*) serves as a wildcard, enabling partial matches. "intitle:"Network *" would find titles like "Network Camera" or "Network Stream."

Advanced Shodan Queries:

  1. port:80 product:"Network Camera": Searches on port 80 with "Network Camera" as the product.

  2. port:554 -title:"Private Camera": Excludes pages with "Private Camera" in the title on port 554.

  3. org:"University": Explores webcams associated with a specific organization (replace "University").

  4. os:"Linux" city:"City": Webcams in a particular city running Linux.

  5. port:80 ssl:expired: Finds webcams on port 80 with expired SSL certificates.

  6. product:"IP Camera" country:"Country": IP cameras in a specific country (replace "Country").

  7. port:21 product:"FTP Server": Looks for webcams with FTP servers on port 21.

Responsible and Ethical Usage:

  1. Protect Privacy: Respect the privacy of individuals and organizations. Interact only with publicly accessible information.

  2. Avoid Unauthorized Access: Never attempt to access private or unauthorized content.

  3. Report Vulnerabilities: If you identify vulnerabilities, responsibly report them to the appropriate authorities.


Remember that responsible and ethical conduct is paramount. Our exploration has covered both basics and advanced techniques. Always approach your online journey with respect for privacy and legality.

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